Natália Oliveira Leiner
Associate Professor at the Biology Institut of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU - MG, Brazil) since 2010.
She holds a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the Universiadade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ - RJ, Brazil), a Master's degree and a Ph.D in Ecology from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp - SP, Brazil).
She has experience in the field of ecology of small mammals, working mainly in projects related to bionomy and reproduction, space use, frugivory and seed dispersal by marsupials and parasite-host interactions using rodents and neotropical marsupials.
Marco Miguel de Oliveira
Ph.D Student of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brazil
Graduated in the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia and holds a master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Applied Parasitology and Immunology (PPIPA / UFU) in the same institut.
Since graduation, he works with molecular characterization and evaluation of the infectivity of Leishmania spp. in the Laboratory of Bioassays in Leishmania. He is currently developing his Ph. D study in the same program in partnership with the laboratory Ecology of Mammals.
Claire P. Röpke Ferrando
Ph.D Student at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brazil.
Biologist by the Biological Sciences course of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS - RS, Brazil). Master's degree in ecology by the Posgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resource at the same currently university.
Her main research interest is the natural history of burrowing rodents, more specifically Clyomys laticeps (Thomas, 1909), in a savannah environment (Cerrado).
Ingrid B. Ferreira da Paixão
M.S. Student at the at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brazil.
Studied Ecology and Environmental Analisys in the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG - MG, Brazil).
Her master's dissertation will focus on individual especialization in space use of the spiny rat Clyomys laticeps
Past students of the lab
Pamella M. S. F. Machado
Studied Biological Sciences at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brazil.
Her undergraduate final work was about the space use patterns of Rhipidomys mastacalis in the Cerrado.
Ana Leticia Sousa Strona.
Studied Biological Sciences at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brazil. Did her master's degree in ecology by the Posgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resource at the same university.
She studied about the influence of parasites' attributes and seazonal parasitism of Eimeria spp. in Gracilinanus agilis.
Stéfanny Tadine Cardoso
Studied Biological Sciences at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brazil. Did her master's degree in ecology by the Posgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resource at the same university.
Her research encompassed the natural history and parasitism in Rhipidomys mastacalis.
Jenifer Martins Lamberto
Studied Biological Sciences at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brazil. Did her master's degree in ecology by the Posgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resource at the same university.
Her work was about the broad-headed spiny rat (Clyomys laticeps) as ecosystem engineer.
Gabriel Pereira Lopes
Studied Biological Sciences at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brazil. Did his master's degree in ecology by the Posgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resource at the same university.
He studied about the reproductive strategy and spatial organization of Gracilinanus agilis.
Thomás Duarte Mota
Studied Biological Sciences at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina - Brazil. Did his master's degree in ecology by the Posgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resource at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.
His reserach approached the interaction host-parasite in small mammals.
Pamella M. S. F. Machado
Studied Biological Sciences at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brazil.
Her undergraduate final work was about the space use patterns of Rhipidomys mastacalis in the Cerrado.